All Of Those Annoying Extras

I have a whole slew of extras. And I just keep getting more. Here are the links to get to em

Auto-Biographical Links
About Me/"Character" - This is the center of information. I guess. Very long auto biography of my life.
94 Things About Me - Have you met a diarist who does extras who doesn't have one of these? Mine is just a whole lot more pointless and random than most. (Used to be a list of 101 things, but I hated that list. I started over, and I haven't thought up 101 things again yet)
Megan...Defined - An evergrowing dictionary comprised of words which define me.
The Soundtrack of My Life - It's a simple concept. Songs I picked for different "scenes" in my life as dictated by a "meme". Fun stuff.
A Box Of Megan - If I could give a stranger a box of a dozen things to tell them who I am...

My Library - A catalogue of all the books I own. Whoa.
Playlist - A semi-often updated post of my current Mercora/iTunes playlist.
Wishlist - My wishlist. But...it isn't a list of the material things I wish for...

Artsy Stuff
Poetry I wrote - I have found that this is mandatory for a blogger too. I'd like to believe that my poetry actually sometimes has a modicum of merit though, and when it doesn't, I actually acknowledge that it doesn't.
Photos - Well technically not of me, but photos of things important to me nonetheless.

Diary Stuff
Reviews - Self explanatory?
Banners - This is a page showing all banners I've made to run on diaryland/are running on diaryland, and credits for the quotes/photos employed in making them.

Listed At (or to be listed at)
Webrings and Fanlistings I have joined - I've got a decent amount of rings...and some Cowboy Bebop and Book fanlistings...
Globe Listings - NOT DEAD! And I'm listed!

before & & after