Photographs by Me

This is a page of photos. All taken by me, of various and sundry things in my life.

Other Things

These are my shoes. Those are my sister�s white flip flops laying carelessly across them.

�Many a flower is born to blush unseen and waste it�s sweetness on the desert air��

Some might say that bare feet in cool, soft grass is the nearest thing in this world to heaven�

I say, that I should go wash my feet now.

Here then is heaven. Lieth thee in the comfort of books. Shakespeare is choice.

�Is that trembling cry a song? Can it be a song of joy?�

Notebook the second..."As someone somewhere sings about the sky..."

Who then shall I write for? Who now do I write for?


I wear my heart on my sleeve...errr...arm...

Oh ho! I wear the coolest clothes! And I love the book Lilith by George MacDonald!

C.S. Lewis is on my shirt, because he is the awesome.

"these things are not strange Small One, though they are beyond our senses." C.S. Lewis! Out of the Silent Planet! Hooray!

Ducks are awesome eh?


Me! Gah!

If you thought you were ever going to see my face, you were wrong.

Ok. I lied. Shoot me.

Yeah, I overwork myself every now and again.

before & & after