I AM Capable Of Thinking Semi-Positively! I Really Am!

hearing: Tisbury Lane - Mae
reading: The First Men In The Moon by H.G. Wells
feeling: "No one can know just how she feels"

Moving away from the ridiculously pointless things in life to things just a little less pointless, I am doing slightly better this...morning/afternoon than I was yesterday. I'd like to owe this mood burst to several things. 1) A good hard sobbing fit I had before I went to bed last night. It did give me a splitting headache, and I did feel awful and lonely, but heck, I finally got something out of my system. 2) I have less school work to do today. Still quite a bit, but a lot less than yesterday. Unfortunately, it's not getting done by sitting here and writing in my diary, but I keep going "Oh, the day is still young, I have plenty of time to work on school." Well, luckily it still is, so I can finish this and go work on my projects. 3) My abs and arms are showing improvement from my muscular strengthening exercises. Oh yes, for, I think the first time in my life, I actually have some muscle in my arm. It's not noticeable yet though; unless I flex my muscles. Oh yes. Yes I have muscles to flex. It's highly gratifying to look in the mirror and see that. And the abs are very hott, thank you very much. No six pack, and I do not want a six pack, but they're starting to tone nicely. Now what the point of this is, I am a little hazy about, because I am a bit prudeish and refuse to wear shirt and pants combinations which show my midriff. I wouldn't even wear a bikini in public if you paid me in billions of dollars. Or lifesavers. So it's not like anyone else ever sees my stomach except me, but it just boosts my self confidence to know it's there, and looking flat and hott. I also feel like clothes look better on me when my body is in good shape. Tight shirts lay better and look nicer on good abs. Not that I even wear tight tight shirts that much...but... it's the concept that counts. It's the concept. 4) ........... Ok well no wait I guess there is no four. AWH. If you'd like to fill the number four space for brightening Megan's mood, apply within!

So that's a semi-good way to start a day. That's the way to encourage positive thinking. So hopefully, by tonight, I can come back and say, "I had a good day!" But without rhyming anything!

before & & after