Can't Even See Stoplight Colors... I Think I Need To Get More Sleep...

hearing: nothing
reading: (not really been reading at all again) The First Men In The Moon by H.G. Wells
feeling: I knew, but I forgot. Honestly.

This night/early morning, after employing narrow, strict, nazi like disciplinary techniques; I was able to get half of my american government paper written. Hooray. I will employ these same techniques tomorrow night to finish the paper. And post on the message board. I will follow this up, by further beating myself around to edit my paper. And then we'll have the third paper to do. And next thing I know, this semester will be over.

Time flies.

But we're skipping ahead of ourselves. We tend to do that when regarding the unsavory details of life. But we also talked about how we're not going to do that anymore.

So on the subject of current events, rather than counting chickens before they hatch and crossing bridges before we get to them, we'll make an allusion to Megan's current mental state through a factual short story.

And switch back into the first person.

Today I had to drive my father to the Verizon store. Well no, I didn't have to, but I needed to because I absolutely must get my license before my permit expires November 20th. I need to be prepared for my tests. I need to be a good driver. So I drive my father around town.

Today, whilst we were driving, he was talking on the phone. My father is notorious for being a horrible multi tasker, and talking on the phone and doing anything else is his weakest point. Just keep this in mind. My father generally misses everything when he's on the phone.

We got to an intersection where I had to make a left turn. It wasn't a particularly big or busy intersection, but there was a decent amount of cars around. I watched the stoplight and it was green. I turned through it. I went on my way. I watched the car behind me, but noticed that it didn't follow. I thought to myself, How strange. It was a left turn only lane. And no u-turns I think. And the light was not even yellow when I was going through. Not that I really noticed. So that was a bit bizarre because he should have turned right after me, but I brushed it off and returned to blinking against the daylight from behind my sunglasses.

My father finishes his phone call and says to me, "When the light's red before you reach the intersection, you really need to stop." (emphasis mine)

I was very confused a moment. And it showed. All that went through my mind was, "What the fuck is he talking about?"

Since I wasn't responding he continued talking. "Megan, that light was red before you even got to the line. You just ran that red light."

before & & after