Just Another Five Minutes...

hearing: Never Enough - The Cure
reading: switching to Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott if I can motivate myself to read
feeling: ill

I stabbed the ghost and she bled. I didn't know that ghosts bled. Her blood was vaporous and floated in the air much as she did. I rubbed my clean white hands in it. No longer clean and white. Standing on my front yard, I could see more ghosts coming out of the open portal. This was getting far too nightmarish. I started screaming on the inside Wake up Megan! Wake up! Now!

I blinked and jolted awake and rolled over to stare at the clock. 7:00am. I was up on time. I groaned. I was so exhausted. I didn't want to wake up yet. As I tried to force myself awake, I listened carefully for people stirring. I couldn't hear a sound. There was only dead silence. I lay longer, waiting for my father to come shake me to wake me up and tell me he was ready to go. But no one came. Could it be? Had my dad changed his mind? Had he forgotten? I was not getting up at 7am to shower if I wasn't going anywhere. So I snuggled under my covers and went right back to sleep again.

I had more crazy dreams but no more so nightmarish. I woke up again at some point, and checked the clock, and it read 9am. My father still hadn't come to fetch me. I still couldn't hear a soul stirring in the house. I shrugged as best I could in bed, flipped over and went right back to sleep and slept until 11am. When I went upstairs that morning, I found my father fixing breakfast and he didn't breathe a word about going anywhere. I suppose he changed his plans then. I was perfectly fine with that.

You see, I have to go over to the community college and see the guidance counselor and have her unlock my account so I can register for classes. I also have to get my residency status changed from non-resident to resident. We were going to get up early and fight traffic to get in and see the counselor before anyone else got there. My father told me we were going to do it this morning but apparently he changed his plans. Not a big deal to me I suppose. I really don't want to go to school again. I dread it so much. I've talked about that enough times before.

Although now that I think of it, the school might be closed for Thanksgiving holidays. I'll have to check.

Another bit of news: some might recall a certain American Government paper I was stressing over. I haven't written a paper so horrid in ages. I was certain I had botched it. I was very wrong. I got a full fifty points. Again. So my grade is secured at a low A now. Uhm...yay?

I have a headache now from inadequate breakfast and need to get ready to go out a bit later. Maybe now I should treat myself to those new cds with my birthday money.

If only I could decide which ones to get...

To this my love hath come at last,
enchanted waters pitiless,
a heartache and a loneliness

~The Lay of Leithian by J.R.R. Tolkien, Canto V lines 1221-1223

before & & after