The Student Is Just As Foolish (! or ?)

Reason, sanity, and rationality seem to be completely impossible to apply and employ when they are most utterly necessary.

What is foolish hope and what isn't?

What is surmountable and what isn't?

What standards do we judge by? How valid are those standards?

When did I, of all people, begin to ask such questions? It seems completely contrary to my nature! Am I finally losing all traces of my mind and sanity?!

Edit: And then, some strange wind blew over me, and my love was just as strong and unchanged. I countinued in the same senseless persistence. But... the pain of it was gone. How can this be so? Love against hope but be unhurt by hopelessness? Is this temporary relief granted me by beloved Jesus so I can sleep soundly one night? Is this a spasm of utter numbness? Is this going to be...permanent? Strange and inexplicable to me in any case. I guess my mind really is leaving me...

before & & after