Nothin Quite Like A Little Lie, Eh Dear?

hearing: nothing
reading: The First Men In The Moon by H.G. Wells
feeling: "So now we speak with ruined tongues and the words we say aren�t meant for anyone. It�s just a mumbled sentence to a passing acquaintance, but there was once you said you hate my suffering and you understood and you�d take care of me. You would always be there, well where are you now?"

There's nothing like a little family bonding time to lighten a girl's mood. I mean come on, scrubbing out the refrigerator with your father and laughing about how empty it is even though we went to the store the other day followed by a few rounds of Rummy while watching the Secret Garden with your mom, dad, and sisters; how is that not mood uplifting when your family is not grossly dysfunctional? I can see how crappy it could be if you had a horrible family, but my family isn't near horrible. Perhaps we are all rather withdrawn and fake to each other, but hey, that's not bad and certainly not horrible. So doing things with them can be very fun and uplifting.

But then there's nothing like a poignantly sad song and an exhaustion headache to bring the girl right back down.

So I have effectively ruined every buildup of positivity I had for this entry. I'm hoping it will be back in the morning though, after some sleep, because I just came off a monstrous epiphany (which I am not going to share here) which turned things upside down for me. I think in a positive manner. I hope. I think.

And then maybe there will be a discourse on why my birthday/christmas wishlist is only composed of twenty-five cds and fifteen books. And a cd/mp3 player, "tune up" for teh gorgeous violin and some new sheet music. And how, dissatisfied my parents are. Apparently, I do not want enough stuff. That's a story for tomorrow though...

before & & after