The Lost And The Found

hearing: Cycle Down - Skillet
reading: I give up. I have read nothing for what...2? 3 weeks now? And I am reading nothing now...not in the mood...
wearing: an expression of thoughtful content

Brimming and bubbling and bursting.

Goblets are overflowing.

I am washed away.

There are feelings too insignificant for words, and then there are feelings which are far too significant and eloquent for words.

In this case, I am flooded with both, although feelings stronger than words hold sway.

And for one of those very rare times in my life, I am rendered utterly speechless.

*whispers softly*

Could I be lost?

Could I disappear?

Could I be lost?

Would you find me here?

Could I be lost in a secret place?

Could I rest in the shadow of Your face?

Oh the sweet serenity beautifully a part of me...

I am lost...to the world...but really, *whispers* I am found...

before & & after