I Guess Even I Need A Spoilin Now and Then

listening to: Let It Begin - The Violet Burning
reading: Lilith by George MacDonald
thinking: about the routes we might take to get to Texas

No haircut today. I guess I expected as much. Mom says tomorrow. I dearly hope so. I am very anxious to get it done!

Otherwise, today was an awesome day. Around 2pm my dad tells me that he is making a run over to Wal Mart and casually and quickly asks if anyone will go with him. After some confusion on his part as to my answer, I agreed and went with him. A trip to the store. Just my dad and me. Ripping off a Mercer Mayer story title. How quaint. He drove and the car slipped and slid in some places in the slush and ice (we had a decent amount of snow on Sunday night) but it was all good fun. Adventures in driving. My dad decided to head over to Comp USA to buy something and told me we could look for the paint program I wanted there. We did and lo and behold, there was Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0 for $100! Just the program I wanted...twas recommended to me... At first my dad questioned whether it was what I really wanted and looked about for PSP and he pointed out Roxie Photosuite but just to show me variety. I insisted on Photoshop Elements and he let me have my way. We bought it and I was so ecstatic. Enough so that the cashier got a quick smile and a moment of eye contact from me. A very very rare thing for me, I hate looking strangers in the eye, much less trying to eke out a smile. We left and went over to Wal Mart. On the way we talked about things and my dad sang the Addam's Family theme song and I snapped my fingers along in the correct places. At Wal Mart we passed the entertainment department and I tugged at my father and asked if I could have a pair of headphones. Perhaps not just so like a small child, but tis roughly the concept. He said yes and we contemplated. I finally decided on a pair of Sony Featherlight. Thus, I now have my own headphones again! YAY! Much better sound quality than the ones I borrowed from my sister. We finished shopping and went home. I was simply ecstatic. I felt so spoiled. Especially since I am getting two new cds sometime today. *sigh of contentment*

I shall be having so much fun with Photoshop Elements...*EEEEEEE*... I can make my friend a logo for his ministry finally, a North Wind doll (I want nifty tools for some really beautiful hair...not just pixel shading), new graphics for my dland layout (slight layout revamp going on to accomodate new ideas), and some Valentine's Day avis for my msn display pic and my message boards (although I guess I don't really visit them much lately....)

Oh shoot wait... I won't be here for Valentine's Day! Awh... ha! I will be in Texas for my grandmother's wedding. We will be driving there so I expect we will leave a few days before her wedding. I guess I escaped that then. I have been thinking a lot about the possible routes we could take. I can't really say much about that or I would give away my location but we might be driving through Kansas on the way there and back... hmmmm...

Alright gosh...I had a lot more to say but its 1:30am and after last night I am utterly spent by now... I am not even going to bother changing my imood. I am just too tired. I can't word everything else I had to say. I am just thinking about sleep. I am going to go sleep...I apologize for a boring entry...I do but I am too tired to do otherwise...

before & & after