Besides That I'm About To Explode, I Seem To Be Acting Just A Tad ADD. Not That That Has Anything To Do With Anything

hearing: nothing
reading: In The Days of The Comet by H.G. Wells
feeling: highly pressurized

I think I'm about ready to spontaneously combust. Seriously. Any minute now, I am just going to explode with an extremely loud boom, and all of my parts are going to go scattering and splattering across my room.

Although I might feel a whole lot better after doing that.

Why so pressurized? Let's make a list!

  1. Choosing font, header and link colors, sizes and styles for the blogger template I'm working on: No really, it's hard to get the right color combinations and attractive formatting. Which also fit the theme. That in and of itself gives me a headache. That's why my guestbook still doesn't match this layout. I have to choose colors. UGH

  2. Deciding what in the world to do with all of my extras: Where am I going to put them? What am I going to do with them? Link it all to pages on my website? Am I going to be able to make that work effectively? What about contact methods? What what what? What is going to carry over?

  3. Blogger template tags: Holy crap. They have an insane amount of variables which I am still not understanding all the way. Or not wanting to. IT'S TOO MANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Microsoft Excel classwork: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I don't want to make a payroll report! They have like a gazillion instructions! And the chapter is about PRINTING and our printer is almost out of black ink. Great timing. Pah.

  5. American Government Assignment 2: I have to read and review six court cases and write up what I think each was about, and the outcome. Doesn't sound too hard, at all, but I'm lazy and on top of everything else...

  6. Already almost 4:00: Oh yes. I have wasted more than half my day already. And on an empty stomach. If it was earlier, I'd be better off. As it is, I stress because the day is nigher it's close. Oh heck what am I saying. This is coming from the girl who doesn't got to bed until 3 or 4 in the morning. I've got so many hours left in MY day. I don't know what I'm stressing out about

  7. Deciding what to do with stuff I wrote up for entries the other day: It gets me, having this stuff laying around. I don't want it laying around forever. To post, or not to post? That's the queston for which I have no answer and which I am getting impatient to have an answer for


I know, I know, it's all boring and unexciting. That should have been the last item on the list. The sheer boringness of it all. That really drives a person mad. Along with my inability to coherently form proper English sentences.

Ow. I just cracked my knuckle on the ground and that hurt. So I'm just going to roll around on the floor now, pulling out my hair and foaming at the mouth while I try to calm down. I know it's not solving anything, but I can't do a thing on my list as long as I'm this stressed. I need to settle down a lot, and then I can get to work eradicating my troubles.

Boy I need to get to work eradicating my troubles....

before & & after