I Said Yes

Today is Our Day. Yesterday was Our Day. Tomorrow is Our Day. Every tomorrow after that will be Our Day.

Today is Our Day. And this time, a day where everyone decides to go out of their way and have a day like Our Lives, happens to coincide with one of Our Days.

Today is Our Day. And it�s really on the surface no different than any other. I will tell you I love you every breath I breathe. I will send you origami hearts in the middle of summer. I will call you Valentine when the leaves change colors and drop from the trees. But there is an irrational, deliciously childish, innocent pleasure in spending a day with you which has been allotted by the world for showing devotion as we show each other. There is something indescribably (and seemingly ridiculously) beautiful in exchanging construction paper hearts and the �holiday specific� endearments at the time apportioned them. We are conforming yet we are almost also breaking the mold.

Today is Our Day. And it isn�t a material shower of gifts I look for, as many do. If you had ever even ventured to give me elaborate, expensive gifts on this day, I would have shoved them aside, pushed them back into your hands, ordered you to take them back. Because it�s you I want, and nothing more. Just to feel that you love me as I wrap my arms around you, just to show you that I love you with my lips is enough.

Today is Our Day. Not a day of flowers. Or candy. Or dinner dates. It�s You And Me. And Constant, Unchanging Love.

before & & after