Ominous or Twinkling? or Scudding Clouds

hearing: Over The Edge - Luna Halo
reading: Middlemarch by George Eliot
wearing: jeans, brown belt, bright red shirt, armwarmer with stars on it, big green plastic ring, 4 stars saftey pinned to shirt, two red bracelets, green beaded necklace, hair in a low ponytail with some hair left out and bound in yellow hair bands...

With a smile, a laugh, and an unusual twinkle in her eye, she glides through the days, in a hoodless cloak bound about her, only to hold back what is prudent to conceal. Her bright pale face and long golden locks still spill and shine about showing a glimmer of what may or may not be behind the cloak.

But she is ever reeking of dank pessimism, and it breeds feelings resembling ill winds and sire dark clouds which are scud across her face as though she were the sun in a sky to be darkened.

She shivers within herself and pulls closer her cloak and stares at the sky.

But just as quickly as the clouds blow before her, they are blown away again and she smiles to herself and rolls off into her newfound hidden pool of bliss.

But perhaps the twinkle in her eye is lessened just a little. Perhaps her laugh is not as loud, nor her smile as bright, not because of an absence, but because of something...bigger (?). She couldn't put her finger on it and she doesn't understand.

She carefully slips away, with her brows knit deeply, to search out the roots of these confusingly dark forebodings.

Perhaps she feared this all along...she cannot help but wonder, if uncertainty had been better...

I can't ever end something happily. It isn't that I am depressed or unhappy, it's just that I am a little...pensive? Yes...I have always been a little morbid. Thus I can assure that this is unconnected to any absences or such, that isn't what troubles me. It's...bah...I honestly don't know. In any case, whatever it is, it is terribly unfounded and stupid to be sure. I can shake it off. I can stop being so ridiculously, darkly "ominous" P.S. That was the ending of the abuse of the third person series. Starting with the next entry, I will go back to regularly scheduled Minja logging.

before & & after