Killing Vacant Time

hearing: Disloyalist Party - Joy Electric (misery ever after...)
reading: The Lost Princess by George MacDonald, King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table by Roger Lancelyn Green, and Java 2 For The World Wide Web: Visual Quickstart Guide by Dori Smith
wearing: circles under my eyes I should think

10:30, got it? I want to be out of this house by 10:30 at the latest. That means you all have to be up and ready in time.

My mother told us this last night of our impending trip. What time is it now? 10:15. Is she out of bed yet? Is my dad out of bed yet? Nope.

I didn't get to sleep last night until 3:00am. And then I got up at 8:00 and then dozed until 9:00, and then I got out of bed and ate and showered and such.

Why though? For what reason? I could have slept in until 10:30 and been fine! I could have gotten the extra sleep I needed without qualms! But no... we are supposed to be up and ready by 10:30, which time, my parents do not care to be up and ready for.

I mean, I can understand them needing to sleep in. That's fine. But please don't sleep in so late and tell everyone else to get up way early. It was completely unnecessary for me to get up so early. I could have slept! Argh. Too late now. I am showered and dressed and such by now. Now I have only to find ways to occupy myself.

Hmmm...perhaps I shall go try to write about idiosyncrasies. Or at least use it properly in a sentence. As in, use it as its meaning intends, not just throw it randomly into a sentence. Why? I have had the word stuck in my head since Thursday evening. It is almost out though. Thank heavens. I didn't know what in the heck to do with that word.

I'm too tired and sickly to write anything else. I guess I'll go read. Maybe go update my 101 things page...

Today's anonymous, ambiguous comment: Eyes are glazed over globes of sorrow...they will not meet anyone's gaze. Downward cast face criss crossed with traces of inward pain..."I'm never sure of what to do anymore. Everything seems so wrong..."

P.S.: I redid my 101 things page. Its only 62 things now. Ha. It'll get back to 101 things eventually.

before & & after