
A heap of blankets, two books with papers shoved in to mark special tender passages, and a composition book open to a page filled with my huge, curly handwriting sprinkled through with hearts and underlined words; lay across my bed, scattered about my cross legged frame.

I am warm and sweating, the heater is up too high, my heating blanket is too hot, I feel drowsy and ill; but the passionate exclamations and exhalings whispered into the phone pushed hard against my ear by my trembling hand, erase all the negativity that could have come from my position. Oh happiness is right beside me! I smile so widely, wishing you could have seen and known, the sunshine you paint across my face, the gentle motions of my lips in voiceless ecstasies of form�d love.

I push the transmitter away from my lips for still I am too scared to speak. I whisper to myself so violently... so violently! Reading aloud, over and over sonnets and passages and my own fumbling structures of endearments.

But with my attention more bent towards you, a slight change of voice alerts me that you are about to speak. I snap my lips shut, and push the receiver harder against my ear. I inhale quickly and hold my breath as my eyes search an unseen heaven before me, awaiting words or sigh to overflow your lips. I am silent so as not to lose a single resonance of your voice, drinking in the lovely intonations as a dehydrated man at a waterfall in a desert oasis.

Oh! What a thing of beauty coming from such a loathed apparatus of technology! What a surge! Such joy!

before & & after