Caffeine Hangover?

hearing: Consequences - Considering Lily (wtf? seriously. baha.)
reading: (not really been reading at all again) The First Men In The Moon by H.G. Wells
feeling: Trained of intelligence and creativity

After another half way all nighter, I finished up my second American Government paper and got another thing done for the class, which frees me from all school work until Monday. Yay! I was so relieved, that I almost passed out. From how hard I was banging into the wall from glee of course! I was incredibly hyper. I made the very unfortunate mistake of drinking two full cans of Wild Cherry Pepsi at 10-11ish last night, which did not take full effect until about 3:30am. Right as I was finishing the project. The caffeine was supposed to help me get through it. Not celebrate my relief. By the time I could go to bed at 4:30, I didn't want to go to bed any more. I was too hyper. That which I had so long awaited and yearned for, was that which I wanted least in the world.

Bah. So I learned my lesson about caffeine. No more overdosing so late at night.

Anyway, since I finished my schoolwork, it meant that today, I had time to work on some side projects, including the music blog which I decided to go through with. It's probably rather silly and boring, but it's mainly for my own strange and twisted cataloging purposes. I like to have a handle on everything. I want everything easily laid out in words for myself. For what can I say, I'm just a little ol' Control Freak.

All of these endeavors combined, have completely sucked the life out of me. Every scrap of energy I had is gone. Evaporated. All inspiration I have has blown away like dust in the wind. I squeezed every ounce of it from the sponge which is my creative conscious, and I have had no chance to dip myself in pools of inspiration again. I want only to flop over on the floor, and pass into a black near death for a couple weeks hours.

Sometimes I wonder how I'm going to handle taking a full load of college classes, if this is how I'm reacting now. Holy shit. Well, I prefer to look on the bright side, and hope that this is only my adjustment period, which will better enable me to work more efficiently when I have a whole lot more work to do. Ahh...what a whirlwind I will be then...

before & & after