Oh Too Busy and Far Too Sick

hearing: LOTR FOTR:EE
reading: Middlemarch by George Eliot
wearing: two shirts, jeans

I awake from a rough, sleepless night with a restless, playful kitten whom was using me as a jungle gym, to find myself faced with a very full day.

We had a bbq to go to, and my father planned on seeing Around The World In Eighty Days.

My youngest sister has a stomach flu. And so do I...

Oh but I am ever so sick. I was able to skip out on the bbq to laze on the couch with heavy, sleepy eyes eyeing my little Corin and ears full of the Fellowship of the Ring movie.

Later today, my parents will be back with the children, and we will go out to the movies. Hopefully I can make it ok.

After that, it will be rest. Rest, rest, rest, rest. Lots of it. Stomach flus really eat me up and wear me down.

I am so tired. It is time for a nap. Please do not be alarmed if I neglect my diary. I am only resting.

before & & after