Her Violin! Her Violin Is Hers To Play Again!

hearing: my dad yelling at my little sisters to get into bed.
reading: The First Men In The Moon by H.G. Wells
feeling: frustrated, tired, headachy, sore, and sickish

So long, so long, have I been coveting the useage of my violin again. I have mourned over it. I have moaned over it. I have fingered my precious, beautiful, horribly out of tune baby, longing it were in working order again. I would sit over it, inhaling the musty scent of rosin, wishing I could let my bow glide across the strings again in beautiful melodies. But that could not be. I did not think it could ever be...

But today, today what I thought was unthinkable happened.

It all started with my brother's still unspent birthday money. He wanted to buy a guitar. Since my brother only had $80, my father volunteered to pay whatever the rest would be. We went into the guitar store empty handed, and came out with a brand new acoustic guitar for my brother.

When we got home, I and my sister were more anxious to try it than he was. After struggling with it, and getting frustrated, he put it away, and my sister and I absconded with it to figure out how to play it.

As my fingers thrummed across the strings and the warm vibrations reverberated in my ear, I got an overwhelming desire to have my violin in my hands again. I longed to hear it's strings vibrate in my ear.

I rushed my sister to the closet to fetch my violin for me, and then snatched it out and set to work using all the gentle strength I could muster to wrestle the poor dear in tune. The pegs would protest, and they would refuse to stay in place, but with patience, I gently forced each one into just the right place. And my violin was in tune. And it sounded beautiful. And the rosin dust puffed every now and again off of my bow and into the air. And my violin was making music again.

And I was yelping with glee.

I have music again. Music.

A violin to brush up on and improve on, and a guitar to figure out. Because it's easier for me to pick up and learn than it is for my brother, I am going to learn to play it so I can teach him. Sure, we could get him real lessons, and I think eventually we shall, but until then, I think I might be able to do it. I'd like to. I'd like to try.

And I'm afraid that I'm getting rather attached to the guitar now. I think I want one too. My own. But with my own demands for a nicer bow, I wouldn't dare ask for a guitar. A nice new bow is going to cost $400-$600. A lot run more, but I'm not sure if my parents are going to buy me one that costs more than that. How could I ask for one of those and a guitar? Sigh. I suppose I'll just shove that longing aside and continue to be only a classical violinist. Sharing my brother's guitar with him and my sister every now and again...

Oh, and by the way

Because I hang a monkey from one of my earrings but not the other. Whoa cool.

before & & after