A Box Of Megan

"So, say you were meeting a new person--blind date, new friend, who knows--and you wanted them to have some idea of what kind of person you are, and who you are. But you can't actually tell them in so many words. Instead, you have to give them a box, with a dozen things in it for them to look at/read/listen to/taste/whatever. What would you put in the box? And a copy of your journal or a link to your journal would be the same thing as just telling them directly, yourself, so that's not allowed."

What I would put in such a box and for what purpose:
1) Cowboy Bebop DVDs 2) My pink and black Ipod Allison. 3) Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte 4) At The Back Of The North Wind by George MacDonald 5) My Mary Kate and Ashley perfume with the label scratched off 6) The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien 7) A small collection of stories I�ve written (NOT my journal. NOT A journal, but a few of my stories) 8) A small box with two strands of hair in it 9) Black mesh hand warmers 10) Strand of pearls 11) Digital camera 12) Oil paints

before & & after