If Only Our Lives Were One Big Neverending Musical...

hearing: Trompe Le Monde - The Pixies
reading: In The Days of The Comet by H.G. Wells
feeling: my teeth hurt. Bad. And so does my jaw. Aching jaw.

Everything seems to remind me of a song lately. Honestly. Oh what did you say? Haha really?!?!?! That reminds me of this one song... Oh and that? That reminds of another song which goes like... And you know, lately I just feel like this one song...

And then of course I'd break out in the song, except I don't seem to understand the entire concept of being "in key". So I kind of warble along in an utterly tuneless way. The song basically becomes completely unrecognizable. In essence, I murder it.

It's really too bad. Because if I sang better, I could actually realize my dream of turning my life into an ongoing musical.

And there would be lots of dancing too, because you can't have random outbursts of song, without the entire neighborhood popping up in your backyard to perform a complicated synchronized dance routine as if it were unplanned and entirely natural. Oh, and don't forget the incredible gymnastic feats and flipping. Sorta like the little girls in Annie.

Yes, I have been watching too many muscial movies lately. But there's something about the entire concept of singing and dancing our lives and situations away. It always did fascinate me. Music surges up out of nowhere, and then the characters begin to sing and dance as if it were entirely natural and normal. If only it were! If only!!! Teach kids to sing from the moment they're born! Put them in dance classes! We'll live in a musical! I'll be the happiest girl alive!

Ok yes that's enough from me. I'll put away my fantastically impractical wishes and dreams and go exercise my legs on the trampoline to balance out the 60 bicycle crunches and 40 push-aways I do every day. Can't have my legs be flabby and my arms and abs nicely toned eh? Course not.

before & & after