Will Be Joining Procrastinators Anonymous... Tomorrow...

hearing: nothing
reading: I give up. Nothing.
feeling: What's it to ya? This time we're skipping over this whole "feelings" thing.

Excuse the utter lack of makeup and wild, tangled hair, but... I think you've all been

Because not only have I just balanced six books on my head, but they are severely radical books. From the top down: An Acceptable Time by Madeleine L'Engle, Candide and Other Stories by Voltaire, Phantastes and Lilith by George MacDonald, Beowulf translation by Seamus Heaney, Til We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis, and The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien.

Ok, no, of course I�m just kidding. I never �own� people. Much less �pwn� them. Ah teenage netspeak. So much fun to poke fun at.

But it was still fun to balance such a stack of books on my head. And take a picture of it. Now everyone sees what I do when I�m avoiding those blasted Excel spreadsheets. It isn�t as if the work is that hard. It�s just that. It�s tiresomely simple and easy to understand, but takes a long time to execute. I just don�t have the patience sometimes for something so tedious. Anyway, I figure I�ll get around to it in another hour or two. I need to get it done because I�ve got another test this week plus hefty reading in American Government.

Every day I am thankful that I opted to take this class now, online. I cannot imagine how horrid it would be to participate in a classroom setting. Especially during this semester. What with the elections and all? Ugh. I mean just on a discussion board we were having mondo problems. Our Debate 2004 thread was a war zone. You cannot pay me to go into that thread again. The people were dancing along the edges of personal attacks! (As is usual with these debates.) People are such dipshits. The teacher gave several warnings and they finally all cut it out, although there is still a lot of tension. And it�s lingering into the other threads. Fortunately, I just make my post, and then never come back into that forum again. I never check my threads. I never go back to see what they think of me or what�s been said in reply. Probably an idiotic method, but I think that�s the only way I�m going to get out of this class alive and with my pride intact.

before & & after