Totaled Cars and Bad Poems

hearing: the washing machine
reading: The Problem of Pain - C.S. Lewis
wearing: light jean capris, winter white scarf as a belt, corduroy jacket, faux pearl bead necklace

Isn't there anything to be said for "silence is golden"? Especially when one is "high" on 3 pixie sticks and two Cherry Cokes? Should I come running through yelling and screaming like a teenybopper with the grammatical capabilities of an eight year old? Don't you expect better of me?

Of course.

But considering I might get complaints for silence, and considering that I have some more pressing matters to attend to, I need to give you something, so I shall pull a poem I wrote last week (?) out of my sleeve.

Yearning For Solace

I shall whisper my sorrows,
Into the wind,
With the hope that they,
Shall be carried to you.
Will you hear?
Will you care?
Or is the wind my only solace?

Oh well wait...I just recieved some interesting news. Last Sunday, or maybe it was two Sundays ago now, I had two little mishaps with our car and smashed up the front right side of the car.

Well the damage is enough, that the insurance is going to total our car. Come take it away. But our car was having a lot of trouble anyway. So now we get to get a new car. A suburban probably. Woo. We had been thinking about getting a new car anyway, but now we have to. My crash just sped up the day in coming.

So should I be happy that my crash forced us into buying a new, better car?

Or should I be angry and disappointed with myself for smashing the car so bad that its getting totaled?

Knowing my own attitudes and pessimism, I am going with the latter. I can feel the angst and guilt arriving already.

before & & after