(Just A Bit) Nonsensical

Everyone has their bad conversational habits. Mine is the habit to deteriorate into a conversation/argument to myself when something is emotionally distressing/comfusing and complicated.

My sister never fails to point this out to me. Often times, I begin explaining something to her which makes me really angry. Eventually, I'm having an argument with myself about how wrong these people are. My sister watches wide eyed and stunned for a minute until she realizes that I'm really not paying attention to her anymore. She rolls her eyes and calmly intercedes, telling me to calm down and quit talking to myself.

I nod vigorously and vaguely and steer the conversation back into a place where she is included. Only to pull it away with myself again.

Is it selfishness? Or perhaps am I just too used to not having another soul to discuss and debate things with? Perhaps it's because when I address myself, I am safest. I know with whom I am dealing, exactly what they are thinking, and what will be thought of me.

Although I guess what's worse, is I even take up two different viewpoints with myself. Bah.

a little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men

before & & after