It's A Disembodied Hand!!!

hearing: a cat meowing and the really really annoying "Fairyland" music
reading: The Count Of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, and Java 2 For The World Wide Web: Visual Quickstart Guide by Dori Smith
wearing: jeans and a gray shirt and black wristwarmer and black choker and silver and amethyst ring

Ok that�s it. I am tired of trying to refer to all three of my sisters as simply �sister� or �the youngest� �second to the youngest�, etc. Its annoying. And while I�m at it, I figured I�d quit referring to my brother as �brother�. Not just here, but in all my conversations too. So pay attention.

I would have just updated my cast list, but I know no one would see it that way. Even if I told you to read it. I think 4 out of 5 times when I ask my readers to look at an updated extras page, they don�t. Oh well. So if I really want to relay something to them, I just have to write an entry.

Ta da.

A Definitive List of Megan�s younger siblings names in age order: Oldest to youngest

Cassandra: Sister one. I usually referred to her as sister dear because I am closest to her of all my siblings. She believes smelling salts are a cure all (current faddish obsession). We call her Cassie, and that�s usually how I will refer to her. Up until age three, we called her Sandra, but sometime around there, Cassie was used, and she wouldn�t answer to any name but Cassie. Her name wasn�t Cassandra, it wasn�t Sandra, it was Cassie. So its stuck. Now she doesn�t care much, but we�re used to calling her Cassie.

Brendon: My brother. Why is it, that 95% of the population can�t pronounce his name? Seriously, I don�t get it� it�s always �Brandon� or other strange variations� Uhm duh no�its �Brendon�. And that isn�t quite the traditional spelling either. I know that usually the end is spelled �dan� or �den�, but my parents changed the spelling in honor of my paternal grandfather. His nickname was Don. Ever a family of tradition�my brother�s middle name is my dad�s first name�ha�

Kaitlyn: Another sister� We call her Katy. I�ll refer to her by that name. Sometimes KiKi. Not me though�ugh�KiKi never agreed with me. That was more of a whim of hers from toddler-hood. We used to watch a show on PBS called �The Puzzle Place� and there was a character on it named KiKi. And I think that�s part of the way the nickname came about. I think it�s also drawn from some mispronunciations. I don�t remember. In any case, I still prefer Katy. Which I think I spelled wrong�

Audrey: The youngest. The most outgoing of all of us! Ha! We actually usually use her first and middle names to address her�even without her being in the least bit of trouble for anything. I never did understand that�hmm�


Moving on.

I'm in a curious state and rather than actually saying anything worth saying, I am going to show you horrible monstrosities that threaten to give me nightmares.

So my mother has a subscription to Victoria Secret's catalogs. And I swear, we get two of those every week. We always have Victoria Secret's catalogs coming out our ears. It's insane. I mean, it isn't as if they get new stuff all that often. But...they just need to send a zillion catalogs out. Waste of trees I tell ya. They are cutting down forests for this crap.

Whatever. Haha. Anyway, my sister and I grabbed the catalogs one day and searched through them out of boredom. We sat idly scanning the pages, when something caught my eye which made me scream in terror. I was convinced I'd have nightmares for weeks. What did I see? Well, I scanned in the photo, straight from the catalog, to show you...

Oh the horror...

That is just about one of the creepiest things I have ever seen in my entire life.

My sister and I speculated that it might be one of Thing's descendents. Which would make perfect sense. There is no other explanation...DUN DUN DUN...

I seriously think they need to give their photo editors or whatever one would call them who fix up their photos for the catalog, some more caffeine. So they won't fall asleep on the job anymore. Or maybe they need to train them not to ogle the pictures while they're working. That's probably it. Ogling the pictures...stupid...

That product disappeared from the catalog for several weeks. The next time I saw it, the hand had been removed. Yeah. There we go smart ones. But some of us caught that mistake...


Or well, almost. I'm sure I might have...

It's nice to have that off my chest though. I've been saving it at least a month now. Just for a day when I didn't have anything to say.

Or didn't want to say anything...

Or was way too tired to say anything...

Today's anonymous, ambiguous comment: Gah. Just gah.

before & & after