These Perfectly Lovely Days

I found a picture today. It was dark, shadowed, and featured a girl of unhappy face. Scribbled in the corner, in the tiniest letters possible, was shaky script which read, and I love you even more now�

It�s hard to imagine now, so hard to fathom that I used to feel that I had to hide everything I felt from you. The letters I scribbled so tinily and discreetly, and made so utterly unreadable; are a mere shadow of the passion I would boldly print in bright colors on a slip of paper to pass from my hand into yours along with a kiss, these days.

These days everything I thought was impossible comes rushing to me tenfold better than I ever dreamed. I had completely given up hope. I would cry at night wishing there was still a way for you to love me again, but thinking I knew for certain that those wishes could never come true now.

They did though. These days your lips overflow with "dearest" and "mine", your eyes are full of caresses and tears, and your hand is scribbled across in ink. I will get the kiss, which I one day thought was lost to me forever. You will hold me. The lovely dream and nightmarish reality switch places. It was no reality. It was only a nightmare which I will never open my eyes to again. The only reality that exists anymore is the one where you love me and I love you and always have.

before & & after