Impromptu Creations

hearing: Belong - Remy Zero
reading: Java 2 For The World Wide Web: Visual Quickstart Guide by Dori Smith
wearing: Scars

(the emotion flows out of me so hard and swift. It is palpable. I can hold it in my hand.)

A path fraught with sorrow...
The beautiful scenery speeding by my windows are drenched in blood
And my window is blurred on the inside with tears

The splinters of broken barricades bury deeper in my ghostly pale skin

This is eating me alive...
The sharp teeth gnaw at my soul until I cry out in pain...

And then you push your foot down on the pedal harder
And I grip the door handle which will not yield to my touch...

I...stop...I could survive if I jumped out now...

Slow down!
my desperate screams mixed with despondent sobs

Don't drive so fast to our doom!!!
Didn't you see the sign?!?
[I choke out the words]
Won't you heed the warnings?!?
Can't you see the sharp edge and gaping hole before us?!?!

Pounding on the windows, screaming for strangers to let me free.
As I fall back and into your arms instead.
Oh cruel irony, I cannot recieve comfort from my only comforter.

Eyes wide as saucers
Too weak to stand

The edge looms farther, then closer
It shifts in and out of focus like a broken kaleidoscope
And it throws out shards of colored glass into my exposed heart

How long must I live in this wretched suspense?

How long...and I break down into sobs...

"I only wish that I could say the same thing in return"

before & & after