Fate Finally "Eases Up"

hearing: nothing
reading: The Fellowship Of The Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien
feeling: fatigued

I think the college thing has finally worked out. My parents and I had an enormous hassle about paying, until finally, my dad transferred all the necessary money into my bank account, and I paid with my debit card which has the highest spending limit. The total cost for the two classes I am taking came in just under the limit.

So I am finally enrolled. Finally.

I am taking American Government and PC Spreadsheet:Excel because those were about the only useful online courses I was interested in taking which still had seats left.

My American Government class starts on September seventh, and my Excel class starts on August thirtieth (or it could have been the other way around...haha). It's been such a long time since I did regular schooling that I am extremely nervous. I dearly hope I am still able to work diligently and successfully. I hope I can still meet deadlines and produce quality work. We can only wait and see though...

Every time I have thought I would fail in something before, I ended up passing tremendously. I would suppose this would be the same, but I will not be convinced until I see myself working well.

But, because I am taking the courses online, I am required to go to the college and take a one to two hour class teaching me how to use their online system. I will go in for the twelve o' clock session tomorrow.

And I am extremely scared.

Because I am going to have to go into the college and into the class all by myself. I told my father not to come with me. I'm a big girl. I should be able to do this all by myself. I don't have to have my father following me around as though I were still a little girl on her first day of grade school.

I hope I don't faint tomorrow. I'm afraid the pressure and stress of being among people of my agebut mostly older, all by myself, with no one I know, will do something horrible to me. I do not handle those situations well. Please pray for me. Pray that I survive tomorrow and come out of the class with a knowledge of the online learning system and without having fainted/sobbed/vomited/or otherwise embarrassed myself.

I think I can do this. I think I can be stronger than my fear.

To wit, my harsh, sharp-edged empyrean dream. (absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it).

Lastly, I made an update to one of my extras pages. My theme song page has been morphed into a "Soundtrack of My Life" page. Its a completely different set up and I highly recommend a new viewing. I am still editing the lists and the songs I chose, and I am working on some commentary, but I'm not sure what I want to do with the commentary yet... I'll find its place eventually I guess.

before & & after