Deja Vu One Too Many Times

hearing: Bitter - Remy Zero
reading: The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells
feeling: stressed and excruciatingly exhausted...my eyes hurt...

Words of Widsom from my sister:

I'm not stupid, I'm just not smart.

Ineptitude is a disease; prone to being contagious

Elegance, it�s an art form

She's...a little bizarre. The last one is pretty good though. I'm rather fond of it.

At first, I honestly thought she was nabbing these from somewhere. I asked her where from, and she told me she made them up. I gaped a moment, then laughed and clapped her on the back.

I guess even if they aren't that clever and witty, they're still a lot more than I'd have expected from her. I have a hard time grasping her age and maturity.

I'm used to her being younger than me, and heretofore it's meant lesser levels of understanding. But she's reaching the point where the age gap won't be half as stark any more.

She's fifteen already. Fifteen. It wasn't that long ago that I was fifteen, and I remember it quite clearly.


But...that shows you how much I know about my sister. We're a family of masks and appearences. My sister and I still haven't gotten over it with each other. I've made a few pathetic attempts, and many a time have I clamored onto my soap box about pressing issues (from mother's harpings on premarital sex, to gay marriage, to media disintegration) before her, but she does not often engage herself heavily in or against my enthusiasms. Sure we'll throw spittle together all over pop culture singers who lipsync in concert and have hired lyricists and music writers to churn out the most marketable and mass friendly music (excuse my laymen, rudimentary, uneducated terms...heh), but I'm still doing most of the talking.

Maybe with more effort...

I don't know... She's growing up before my eyes...it's...weird.

I can only imagine how my parents feel watching me... I think it's rather sad. I've hidden so much from them for so long... I have already grown up, but they hardly know it.

Wait. I feel like I have gone over all of this before. I know I've gone over this before...

Nothing new under the sun

I've been over that before too.

Ugh. I hate the monotony of life.

Well here's something brand new at least... a postcard:

Right. At least it's pretty...

before & & after