BURN THE CAR! Or... No...No Wait...I Have To Drive That Junk Heap Still!

hearing: Lifelong Fling - Over The Rhine
reading: Candide and Other Stories by Voltaire
feeling: that's not important

Our car is dumb. Very dumb.

I have to floor the gas pedal, just to get it to accelerate fast enough to barely sixty-five mph. And then, just barely. I try to merge into traffic on the freeway, and I'm practically pushing the gas pedal into the floor trying to go fast enough, and I'm still not going fast enough to comfortably merge. It's actually sort of embarassing to be out on the freeway accelerating so slowly, because I can just imagine people driving past me and giving me looks. Stupid overly cautious kid putting along on the freeway at fifty five mph when the speed limit is seventy five and trying to merge into traffic. Those sort of kids shouldn't be allowed on the freeway. They annoy me.

I can just IMAGINE. Although, I'm sure that's just my poor self-esteem. But it puts me in a place, where I'm ready to roll down my window, thrust my head out, and start screaming at other drivers in general, "I'm givin her all she's got Captain!"

Although that'd garner even more looks. A stupid kid who's a TREKKIE.

I'm only into Star Trek: The Next Generation though (haha I'm a HUGE fan though...one of my favorite tv shows...). So I'm not really a trekkie. But I'll let all those drivers think that I am.

The world is too judgmental in general. I need to stop being judgmental by denouncing everyone as judgmental and shut up now. We just don't need another denouncer. I don't like to denounce things anyway.

My kitten's eye is bothering him. The poor dear. It's all red and swollen. My mother cleansed it and put Neosporin around it (in case it was a scratch from the other cat...its definitely possible). But... it looks awful. And he walks around with one eye shut.

It's hard for a mother to see her baby hurt like that. I'm hoping this heals soon...

before & & after