Although, If My Parents Had Just Let Me Drive By Myself, I Wouldn't Have Had This Problem

Sometimes I examine carefully what I'm doing, because, if I ever have kids, I'd like to be able to tell them about my youthful escapades. If they're all vulgar and illegal, I'd have nothing to tell them. I'd be too ashamed.

Fortunately my escapades are all ridiculous.

We'll be standing in line at the post office, and it will remind me of all the billet doux letters I used to send. I would wake up some mornings and randomly decide to write a pretty letter and mail if off that day to reach my darling friend within the week. I would rush through all my morning activities of readiness with lightening speed and carelessness. So what if my hair was knotted? Big deal! Getting this letter out before the mailman gets here is more important!

I never seemed to have decent stationery though. Who wants a billet doux letter on winnie the pooh stationery anyway? Ugh. So I'd have to turn my room upside down in search of decent paper to piece together to make pretty, artsy stationery on which to write flowery poetry hearty greetings. I was able to whip up quite a few wonderful pieces. It was delightful. Origami comes in very handy.

So, with my neat paper, and pretty letter stuffed in an addressed envelope, I'd set out to fetch a stamp for my billet doux correspondence.

I'd look in the cupboard with the envelopes. I'd check on the bar. I'd look under the placemats on the dining room table (in desperation). I'd send a positive hurricane through my father's desk and drawers. Only to learn that the only stamps in the entire household were kept in his checkbook, which he had taken with him on his overnight trip.

I'd end my narrative there. The kids would probably ask me what I did next though. I am not sure if that's a sufficient tale. I'd tell them quickly how I'd gnash my teeth and bang my head against the wall a few times in frustration. Then I'd have to wait the slow hours out until my dad got home with the stamps so I could make off with one for my billet doux letter.

Then I'd send the letter and it would reach its destination (albeit later than I wanted it to) and everyone was happy.

The End.

before & & after