My American Government Class Is My Scapegoat

hearing: Fabulous Like You - The Gravity Show
reading: The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells
feeling: crazed

Hate mail from a former valentine

(brushes from same place as always)

What's interesting about this piece, is for once, it's from a wholly different point of view. Think of this, as the desk of someone who once loved me, and what they think of me now.

Not that this is aimed at... oh heavens no. I didn't have you in mind at all. This is a fabrication of course. It's a plausible scenario of imaginations. I promise. It didn't even start out the way it was, it only became this concept once I had finished. Then it dawned on me what this was like. So...ta da!

I will play Estella. And someday I will pluck someone out to play Pip.

Or not...

I thought of a horribly nasty metaphor for dying love. But the insincerity and harsh implications which I don't really mean or believe, rendered it imprudent and unnecessary to post.

It's good to know my stoicism is back though. Gee whiz. I think I need some sugar before I turn sour.

Wait...maybe it's all this American Government homework getting to me...

Evil stuff. I think from now on, everything is going to be my American Government class's fault.

What? A tornado just plowed straight through Megan's house and completely destroyed it?



before & & after