5000 Hits! And No More Happy Thoughts

hearing: Kiss Me One Last Line - Blueprint Car Crash
reading: Middlemarch by George Eliot, Sonnets by Shakespeare
wearing: shirt with soda spilled on it...whoops...among other articles...

Well to begin with, my site got its 5000th hit today! From Cyrik! Yay! So in commemoration of this event, I made a doll...I was going to make it as a gift for Cyrik soley, since he was the 5000th hit, but on a second thought, technically, this many hits only comes about from all my readers, Cyrik couldn't do it this quickly alone (unless he refreshed an insane amount of times a day, but technically that's cheating). So if any of my regular readers happen to want this doll for any reason, you may take it and display... or whatever... just do not edit it or anything fishy and sneaky like that. Its just to look at. If you display, upload it to your own server (NO DIRECT LINKING) and link back to my blog! Simple as that. Although I don't think anyone actually wants it, that's ok, I wanted to make it anyway.


In the rest of Megan's world, today was another long, bad day. It was my mother's birthday, and for her birthday, we went and saw Shrek 2. Ugh. Although Antonio Banderas as Puss In Boots...niiiiiiiiiice.

Well alright, maybe the movie wasn't that bad, and it was a nice escape, but I hadn't eaten breakfast that morning, the movie wasn't over til 2:00 and I couldn't eat popcorn because of my braces, and it waas horribly cold and I couldn't comfortably put my jacket on in the theater because of my hurt arm. Long and dreary experience altogether then...

Later that day, I tripped and almost fell down the stairs on my face, but guess how I caught myself...with my injured left arm. ARGH. So I have managed to further hurt my hyperextended muscle and thus adding that much more time to the healing process.

Then my family and I went grocery shopping, because we hadn't been grocery shopping for two weeks because my father hadn't been paid. A trip to Wal Mart on a weekend afternoon with four younger kids and an out of humour mother is just not the way I want to spend my afternoon.

But that's how I had to spend it.

Mix in rushing, and more sobbing fits, and my mother bickering a lot with my father today, and just...just everything. I don't want to talk about it anymore. I just... No. Not fun day, and I cannot bring myself to speak of it all. Much less my emotion logging. Tyeah right. I might not be emotion logging again for awhile. Or not. We shall see I guess.

I'd make another list of things that make me happy, but nothing has really made me happy today. Maybe my sister. And I think too many lists of things that make me happy, would just get annoyingly repetitive. Yeah.

before & & after