Refining Fires

hearing: Honest - Kendall Payne
reading: (truth be told, I haven't really been reading lately) Miracles by C.S. Lewis and The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas
wearing: pjs

I do not think the forest would be so bright, nor the water so warm, nor love so sweet, if there were no danger in the lakes.

There I drank life, because death was in the pool

~Both quotes taken from Out of The Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis

Life is sweetened by the threat of death. We stumble and fall, we tear our lives in two, but when we get back up and climb around, when we glue the pieces back together, we come out stronger and wiser. Our hard times are not regrettable, our pits of despair are not things we wish to erase, when we deal with them properly.

For they shape us. They mold us. When the attitude is right, and the blows are dealt with wisely, we will learn from our mistakes and grow the better for them. We will grow above and beyond them. But only through the right circumstances.

And such a perfect example of the dealings of life and consequences, is found in the growth of a friendship.

For a true and good friendship can rise out of the ashes of a fight...up from adversity and overcome it, and it will come out stronger and closer.

The fires refine.

And a fight is never regrettable, for when dealt with wisely and correctly, we will arise triumphant. There is victory.

Without the battle there is no journey. Without the journey, there are no tests. Without the tests there is nothing.

Delicate yet stalwart. Fragile yet adamantine.

For we fight through the fire. We climb the mountain. And we come through. We come out on top.

What does not kill it, can only make it stronger.

A rough (pathetic) representation of the concept at hand. (Images from the stock exchange. Quotes from Honest - Kendall Payne, A Little More - Skillet, Lilith by George MacDonald, and Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NKJV).

This entry and that picture are dedicated to Billy

before & & after