Very Dull

hearing: Gibberish - Relient K
reading: (truth be told, I haven't really been reading lately) Miracles by C.S. Lewis and The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas
wearing: oh some clothes...

Today was a very busy day. Busy busy busy. I vacuumed and blew the fuse in my bedroom! GOOD ONE MEGAN! I learned not to run my heater with the lights on while I am vacuuming.

My dad also convinced me to get on a bike today. Wow. Its shocking really. I am not athletic and am very out of shape and unfit (despite all my petitness) and haven't been on a bike in 4 years. But I got on one today and rode around. I actually had fun. Disregard that I was wearing heels, and my hat racously tilted just so. I looked very out of place on that bike. But that's ok. It was still fun. It was still good excercise. I guess this really means now that I have to start doing that regularly. Get up in the morning and stretches and crunches and (I shudder to say it) push ups. Maybe some soup can lifting in place of weights. I have, possibly, the skinniest, wimpiest, flabbiest arms imaginable. Its sad really. See do all that and then go out bikeriding...I really need to. And technically, I could get myself back in shape just with things around the house. All the stairs and all. I am just too lazy. I just don't want to. Can't I sit on my bony butt at my computer all day? No? Darn...


Last night, I dreamt that my parents found my online diary and I was scrambling to lock it. But the diaryland interface was very different, and very difficult, and I couldn't find the option to lock my diary. I spent frantic hours looking because I didn't want them reading it. I was so deathly afraid of them reading that entry about me harming myself. I woke up and had to remind myself that the lock your diary option is easy to find and right on the main page. I exhaled heavily and wiped the sweat off my brow, but now I am feeling very paranoid. My hit counter would show me if I had any hits from my parents, but I am still extremely freaked out. I am considering locking my diary now. Just to avert a tragedy like that ahead of time. That dream was so terrifying and disturbing...I feel traumatised now.

Otherwise I am sick. And tired. Tired and sick. I gulped down some orange juice this morning after breakfast. Oh the gagging and grimacing. I really hate orange juice. Especially low pulp. I would much rather be eating yogurt (yoplait whips) to boost my immune system, but we don't have any. So I have to drink disgusting orange juice. Argh. But I would rather be well, than sick. So I will gulp down gallons of nasty orange juice if necessary.

before & & after