
hearing: Ilaria - Violet Burning
reading: Miracles by C.S. Lewis and A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket
wearing: blue ink stains on my hands. I honestly don't know what they are from. *stares down at hands in wonderment*

Extras extras extras galore! WOO! I got up a page of my theme songs, and a page for my reviews. So everyone can go check those out. I have a few more planned. Maybe.

And I still honestly do not know why I have so many extras. But its fun.

Today has been full of little bits of busyness. Cleaning, shuffling, writing emails, working on diary extras, and some other things to be explained. I love having all these little bits of busyness. I still have all sorts of things buzzing around in my head to go do. It is also getting near my naptime. I am dependent on my naps because my sleep is so poor. Yes, it continues poor.

BUT earlier today I mapped out a list of events including those of some other people, to see if I can link anything together and make sense of what is going on now. Why I have lost my mind, why I can't sleep and why someone else I know is also having sleep problems. I haven't really learned anything I didn't know already but just construcing a timeline helped me deal with everything. I need to see if I can draw some conclusions.I haven't been able to yet, but maybe if I shared my list around. Others could glean information and give me some insight. Oh my I hope. Maybe I need to make it scribbly-er and add some obscure mathematical equations and toss in some complex story problems. That might get me somewhere. Just complicate it. Then it might seem clearer. Maybe I should pull in unrelated events. *HAHAHA* ok ok pointless speculation now. All just joking.

Do you know how hard it is to speculate on an empty mind though? Its hindering me from finding anything. If I did more emotional review I am sure all would come clear in an instant. The problem is, it all takes thought and mind power. Two things I don't have. Well wait, thought is an act. So it is something I can't do. In any case. I am stuck in my land of mindless ness. I am beginning to feel desperate.

Hmmm I feel the urge to scan suspicious looking paper work onto my computer. SOMETHING ELSE TO DO! You know that really sounds like a lot of fun. I think I have plenty of suspicious paperwork. I should draw some twisted elvish characters on a piece of paper and scan that in too. Oh gosh that sounds like a blast.

And I will continue to deny that I have too much time on my hands.

before & & after