The Key Is Found

hearing: Sweet Silence
reading: Lilith by George MacDonald
wearing: A joyous heart

I found it. The key. That which I have been looking for all this time but didn't really know it. The light broke through and gleamed revelation upon my tear stained face. In the midst of my gloom and wretchedness, I was given my salvation. The answer. It seems familiar. I have known it before, but I had forgotten. I find that I forget a lot.

What was it? Well simply,

God made me.

Those three words are enough. He doesn't make a wretched thing. He doesn't make a thing without a purpose. Good. Only good.

I had strayed. I suppose I don't have much to say. But when the concept finally caught up with me again and the clouds broke through, I felt a great weight lift. My sight cleared. I feel as though I have been stifling under a huge boulder. That it was crushing me. Blinding me, but the light exploded it. It was lifted off of me. Just like so. Gone.

And I am filled with content and peace. I feel so much better. So. much. better.

Joy's a subtle elf,
I think a man is happiest when he forgets himself

My favorite quote. True that.

*shuts eyes and smiles brightly*

before & & after