Miss Poised

listening to: Seamonster - The Violet Burning
reading: Lilith by George MacDonald and A Swiftly Tilting Planet by Madeline L'Engle
thinking: Good posture...good posture, balance the book, I am a lady...graceful, poised, NO SLOUCHING

Well dears, my back has been aching so terribly today. My mother got wind and offered me a back rub. I gladly accepted and she remarked that my muscles were very tense and that I had a lot of knots. I am to apply the heating pad to my back. The next thing she noticed, were the bruises on my spine. Yes I had noticed those too. But hadn't thought enough of them. She suggested that because of my poor posture when at the computer, my spine is bruising the skin of my back. She told me that I have two options. 1) Gain 10 lbs (I seriously don't think I could gain that much in any span of time less than a year...and that's bare minimum) or 2)Take a break from the computer for a few days. [sarcasm] Hoo-Rah[/sarcasm]. Any guesses as to which choice I took? Yep, option 2. But I don't think it is too bad for me to swing by now and then to do such as update my journal. I just might not be on very much the next few days because I will be too busy focusing on healing my back and straightening my posture.

One method, an age old method for teaching grace and perfecting posture, I am employing is "balance a heavy book on your head". (This has earned me the title "Miss Poised" from my sister). I was always rather good at that. I have excellent balance. Although I suppose it is the book that needs to have good balance. Which it does! I would expect nothing less from an old hardback copy of The Silmarillion in a rather younger (and dirtier) pink Hawaiian flowered fabric bookcover. Even now, as I sit here, I balance the blasted thing on my head. I feel like a princess. But not in a good way. I can't contort into awkward and ungraceful (yet very comfortable) positions in my chair. Just sit here, back ramrod straight, head high, legs neatly tucked under chair. Whee hee. But this must become a habit. Better to be a tad uncomfortable than have a bruised, aching back.

Sitting here with this book on my head, makes me think. Perhaps I really don't have to give up the computer for a few days. Rather just make sure to always sit here with a book on my head. It will help me to practice my posture.

You know, a new chair would be good too. Yes.

Otherwise, today was a short, sleepy day. I slept horribly last night. After I wrote last night, I got into bed and couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned for 3 hours. Then I got up and rolled around on the floor for 10 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of jumping, pacing, and prancing about my room. Then I got back into bed and got to sleep half an hour afterward. Then got up rather early to my aching back. I don't remember really how much else I did today. Just this and that. Poured soda on my sister. Worked on my secret project. Walked around with a bright blue pom pom on my head as a wig. Read my books. Listened to music. Beat off children masquerading as living quilts. Joined my sister in making "evil" and "seductive" statements with our eyes and our hair thrown over them. Nothing terribly out of the ordinary. Tomorrow I plan on vaccuming my bedroom floor. Romping in the snow. Maybe try melting a chocolate lollipop over my trash can. Doll (my muse is practically ATTACKING me...I feel rather assailed and overwhelmed by inspiration). Maybe renact parts of the original Cinderella

Prithee Prithee look back

There's blood on the track

and that is all I remember. I find it far more interesting than Disney's version and other retellings that resulted from that adaptation. I have nothing wrong with Disney adapting that tale. For myself though, I prefer the gruesome gory details. Cutting off the heel and toe. Father dear practically disowning his own daughter. Quite a better study of human nature or something of the sort. I don't know. It fascinates me.

Back on topic. Again, plans for tomorrow are nothing exceptionally out of the ordinary. It should be a day of it though. Isn't every day? For me they are.

As I end this entry, I am listening to a Life Line Production's Amazing Alan radio spot. To be specific, the Gasoline spot. *BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA* I love Amazing Alan... "But was it really necessary to BURN OFF MY EYEBROWS to make this point, guys?"

before & & after