The Layout Itch

listening to: My stupid cat meowing and the heater
reading: Phantastes by George MacDonald
thinking: I am so fickle...and tired... when aren't I lately?

I actually thought up a whole lot to write, then I got the layout itch, and had to change it. Now it is waaaaaaaaay too late to write anything but this quick update. Don't you love my fickleness? The coding on this particular diary layout really blew me away. Love it.

Aside from that, I also grabbed myself an imood until Unkymoods is working again.

New sig also

Trying to reform my grammar!

I also finally figured out that dland lets gold members have extra fields for what a person is listening to and thinking and reading (or whatever they choose to use). Since I am not a gold member but still like the look, I stick it in manually.

Like you really needed to know that though.

So I am tired, and I can't write tonight, and I am going to bed. Enjoy the new layout!

before & & after