Straight faces on little girls...

I feel like talking about something really random since there is no one on to talk to and it is not as if it is something someone would want to sit and listen to anyway...

When I was a little girl, I didn't smile much...I often walked around with a long face...I was not an unhappy child, I simply contemplated a lot...In fact a lot of the time when my face was so long and so straight, I would be experimenting with my facial muscles...Everyone always said it takes more muscles to frown than to smile so I would test that out and test out keeping a straight face...But it always alarmed other people when my little girlish face was so serious...I remembering being asked several times a day, every day, if I was alright...or what was wrong...why was I so unhappy...I would promptly tell them I was just fine...It always confused me that they asked how I was so often...ha...well now I don't smile much, but of course, no one asks why...it is more expected from teens...so yes...that is my spiel...don't know why I posted this...I was just bored...

before & & after