Better Self Discipline is What I need...

Mood: None.......O.o o.O how did that happen?

Music: None...although I have Adding To The Noise from Switchfoot stuck in my head...

I didn't mean to forget to write yesterday, but I forgot all the same...sorry...I will not allow myself on the computer after Eleven O'Clock PM anymore...no exceptions...Yes I placed this ban on myself...I want to teach myself some self discipline...I think I have been over this before...my parents believe I am responsible and don't have too much of an issue about what I do and how late I stay up and all...the believe I can do it myself...and I can and I shall...but man it takes a lot of self discipline...mhm...good thing to have though...builds character... ;D

BWAHAHAHA...yeah I was having a random Calvin and Hobbes moment... >_>

My creativity is pumping out a few dolling ideas...requests, self portrait, and a doll of my sister as a pirate... ^_^ None are done yet...all in the workshop...after such a long dry spell, I am eager to get some new dolls done...

OMGosh OMGosh OMGosh OMGosh OMGosh I almost forgot!!!!!!!!!!! Guess what came in the mail for me today? NICHOLAS NICKLEBY BY CHARLES DICKENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOO HOOOOOOO... My mom tells me it is very rare and very hard to find...She could only get this copy (A Penguin Classic!!!!! ^_^ Which means it has a lot of textual notes and bios on Charles Dickens) from Barnes and Noble's website...and only there...or so she says...I am not going to go check things out for sure...But man o man that gets me all excited!!!! Gotta finish The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis first....ok so I have read it once but it is such a superb book. I want to finish it before I start Nicholas Nickleby.

Now I suppose a short account of things that go on in my life should be given. Well, as you all may or may not know, my father has been in Cali this week. I believe I mentioned that though. He is coming home tomorrow. This means it is my mother's job to...*gasp* be a parent!!!! She used to be a parent a few years ago before we made our first state move...but then her diseases and whatever other crap made her do some deteriorating so she spends most of her time in bed. She exerts some effort to do things these days but not much. I guess she can't...but since she can't, why does she insist on making it seem to everyone else as though she is in wonderful shape and does all kinds of things around the house? Man...it bothers me...so to continue with the point, we were getting ready to make dinner. I am in the basement on my comp and she is shuffling about in the kitchen and she talks loudly enough for me to hear her, "Well Megan, it's time to fix dinner...We could just make eggs and bacon." She has tried to propose this twice now this week...I have already gone over the menu with her...we don't have to make eggs and bacon...neither do we have to do something easy like sandwiches. She just doesn't want to exert the effort anymore...she can't...she needs to face it...but she won't...so I pick out what we can have for dinner and my sister and I fix it...Well, she has fixed dinner several nights...but only after I pointed out that we didn't have to make sandwiches or breakfast food. Lazy lazy lazy. *sigh* Oh well...and then of course, tomorrow she is embarking on the ambitious quest of making lasanga and pineapple upside down cake for my father...No matter how badly she feels...I guess I can't blame her for wanting to ignore her condition...it isn't all that bad...but I think it will continue to get worse as she ages and she is only 36...See...she is just barely middle aged...she should be in better shape than she is...I don't know if she could be with her health problems...I don't know...

What else...ahh yes...I am in huge huge huge trouble...Elf figuratively kicked my butt cause she was in a mood and not terribly happy with my behavior...I don't blame her...I have told a guy friend some things I shouldn't have and he thinks I am willing to sneak around behind my parents's backs...and I am not...but he thinks I am...he misses me a lot since I have moved...wants me to come over and see him...and stay at his house... O.o I don't think so... But I don't seem to make a large effort to be myself around him...lots of monosyllabics and half sarcastic half flirty comments...I mean it is bad of me to do this...I need to straighten myself out and straighten him out about us...yes I miss him a lot and would like to see him again, but if I have to be deceitful, no...it isn't worth it...

and then it echoes through my head...me opening my mouth to stick my foot in it and his reply..."Your confidence strengthens my hope." "Your hotness strengthens my confidence." O.o EEP...I wish he wouldn't do that...

What if he reads that? No big...I am not sure if he reads my diary at all...I think he might have the link...or had it once...but hey, I am comfortable with what I wrote...I think I wrote it honestly and nicely enough... So if he does keep an eye on it, hey boy! love yah...but yeah...we need to get things straight...we can talk about this later...

Well I have email to check and a couple convos and pm's so I have to go...no Friday Five today...*cries* And not by choice...the website isn't doing a Friday Five this week...the organizer is too busy...*cries*

So here is today's quote,

"We laugh at honor, and are shocked to find traitors within our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful." C.S. Lewis The Abolition Of Man

I like that...Like the whole book...a lot...but I don't have the time to give all my thoughts about it and my summaries...yeah...not today...

Out Like A Light,


Miss Megan

before & & after