Plethoric Foil Useage...astounding...

Mood: Very very frustrated

Music: For the moment, nothing

I cannot believe it...well wait I can. I have been sitting at my computer happily chatting away with friends. I was preparing to turn off my computer in favor of doing other things, when my grandfather comes to tell me that my youngest sisters are locked in the bathroom and won't come out. I angrily dash upstairs to find the door locked. I hear excited giggling and mumblings, "Quick hide that!", "Get the towels!", "Don't open the door!" This worried me immensely. I ran to my sister's room and rifled through her desk drawers in hopes of finding something small enough to try and pick the bathroom door's lock with. Ah ha! I find a lollipop! That would work. I rush back to the bathroom door and poke the lollipop stick through the keyhole. I wiggle and jiggle the stick around, but as I suspected, I cannot pick a lock. I am extremely unsuccessful. I resort to yelling at my sister's through the door. What do they care? They have the upper hand. I cannot do anything to them as long as they are locked in the bathroom. I frantically look around in hopes of finding some idea which can get me into the bathroom or get the girls to open the door. Through the crack between the floor and the bathroom door, I see the girl's clothes. I lay down on the floor and begin to extract the clothes from the bathroom. The girls notice and I was successful in getting a nightgown. Shrieks go up. "My pajamas! Give those back to me!" I reply shortly, "Open the door and you may have them!" They counter, "Never! We won't open the door! Give them back Megan! Now!" I could see that this was going nowhere in a hurry. They were on the locked side of the door with plenty of towels. Theoretically, they could stay in there all night. I am getting desperate and considering parleying with them, "If I slip the nightgown under the door, will you open it?" So many holes but it was all I could think to ask. My grandfather came up the stairs just then and asked for a wire coat hanger. I could see where this was going. I rushed to my sister's closet and plucked out a wire hanger. I deliver it to my grandfather and he proceeded to pick the lock. About that time one of my sisters decided to open the door. She is dressed and rushes out to go into her room, my grandfather follows. I on the other hand, enter ground zero, the bathroom. The sight that met my eyes... My youngest sister was curled up in a towel on the floor cowering from me. She pointed and protested, "It wasn't my idea!" The bath tub is filled with soapy water, a brand new bottle of conditioner is nigh empty, the floor is soaking wet, and an entire roll of foil has been used up. An ENTIRE ROLL OF FOIL! It was made into little bowls and sticks for who knows what useage. Never have i seen such a plethoric useage of foil in my life. Utterly ridiculous. I am very angry. I mop up the floor, let the water out of the tub, grumble at my sister about the conditioner, and stomp back down here to write about it. My grandfather is extremely unhappy. Not to mention the fact that it is now 11:30. He is not used to kids who have literally no bedtime. 11:30 isn't late to me. 1:00 is late. Not 11:30. But I should get into bed. So I will give you a quote, and then I will leave...

I am uncreative and desperate so I give thee...the LAMEST line in movie history via X Men...

"Do you know what happens to a toad when it gets struck by lightening? The same thing that happens to everything else!"

Do they actually think that was witty? I hope not...it was stupid...She should have said nothing...

And please, don't use excessive amounts of foil...

Out Like A Light,


Miss Megan

Oh..P.S. Can anyone tell me what happened to Cowboy BeBop? My sis and I wanted to watch it but Cartoon Network doesn't have any timeslots listed for it...Did they take it off the air? ...

before & & after